Henri Goovaerts

Dora Colen and Helene van Borselen

Dora Colen and Helene van Borselen
Dating October 21, 1905
Material / technique Pencil, ink and crayon on paper
Dimensions 25,6 x 21,3 cm
Provenance 1966 found in the Goovaerts exposition file at the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht.
Current residence Collection Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht
Signature b.l. Hri Goovaerts // 21 Oct. 1905 // s'avonds 6 uur
Headings Verso: Dora Colen links met schort aan. //Helene van Borsselen [sic] schilderes rechts. //In Maastricht bij oom Gérard in de // Tongersche straat. No 4. Verso: H [space] Helène // D [space] Dorothee Colen
Remarks Helena van Borselen (1867-1947) was a painter from The Hague. Dora Colen is most likely Marie Dorothée Jeannette Colen (born in 1866), who was portrayed in 1898 by Henri Goovaerts (portrait in Collection Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht). The ‘uncle Gérard’ mentioned on the back is Baron Gérard von Geusau. The Maastricht Colen family and the by marriage connected Von Geusau family played a major role in the life of Henri Goovaerts at the end of the nineteenth century. For Goovaerts, these families were not only the commissioners of a number of portraits, but there were also friendly ties, such as with Baron Von Geusau, who was the Queen's chamberlain.
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